The Idea cards

The Frames deck contains 36 Idea cards based on modern concepts and terms. If Archetype cards are a year, then an Idea card is a day. An Idea card correlates with the detailed actions, events, and people in your life. Each Idea cards has a user guide page with keywords, summary, and starter help. Build on this for your own meaning. Each Force has 12 Idea cards.
Idea cards help you focus on smaller amounts of inner data, recent events, or new patterns. As you consider or meditate on an Idea card, think about the similarities between the illustration title and your question. Ask: in what way am I (or this situation) like or not like [the card title]? For example, if your question is about a health issue, the Hub card may confirm your intuition that your care is not well-rounded or spark new thoughts about caregivers being more connected.
Some Idea cards are closely aligned with Archetype cards. For example, the Security idea card and The Hacker archetype card have aligned concepts, or the Map card with The Traveler. Aligned cards within a frame should direct your focus there first.