The Archetypes

The Architect card is an archetype.

The Frames deck contains 9 Archetype cards. Archetypes are mental shortcuts for universal figures. The Frames archetypes come from modern figures rather than mythical or royal types.

In a frame, Archetype cards represent significant people or long-term themes in your life. The direction of movement and the position of the figure’s body have symbolic meaning.

An archetype is not a stereotype. A stereotype is a mistaken simplification of a group of people that is used to avoid a connection. An archetype is a typical set of characteristics based on universal experiences that occur in all human activity.

Archetypes in this deck are The Student, The Messenger, The Hacker, The Archivist, The Traveler, The Benefactor, The Guide, The Tester, and The Architect. Each Force has 3 Archetype cards.

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